Introducing … new blogs!

Hey everyone! As per the title, today I’ll be sharing some of the blogs I recently started/joined that I am super pumped about! Feel free to check out each one and follow along!!!

So, here is the first blog!

Higher Ground

Higher Ground is my new school blog! I started it so I could organize my essays onto another blog meant specifically for school, so that if you want my lifestyle and wellness posts instead of my school posts (or vice versa) you can choose to follow (or not follow!) my different blogs. Visit Higher Ground here!

Here’s the next blog! (which is my favorite!)

Wake up, Girls!

(above is my funky collage – excuse the rather amatuer format!)

Y’all, this is my dream blog! A place where I can share with girls just how much they are worth and how much they can accomplish if they only believed in themselves and held onto their faith. If you want to guest-post on it too, just let me know! And I’d love it if you’d give me a follow so you could see my new posts when I begin to write!

The mission of this blog is to encourage and uplift teenage girls throughout their teenage years, in the easy and the hard times. I want to help girls become strong in their faith and find their identity in the Truth of God’s Word. I’ll be sharing and writing all sorts of articles on here, covering topics like faith, health, beauty, fitness, getting through teen life, and so much more!! Visit “Wake up, Girls!” here!

Also, I joined my first collab blog! Friends of Faith has an amazing mission and I know there’ll be some amazing stuff coming up! Go and check out the blog, it’s really awesome! I’ve only posted once on it but I hope to speed things up a bit in the near future! (I love the concept of Friends of Faith – being in the Word and dwelling on things of the Spirit, daily!)

Here is my first post from Friends of Faith! Thursdays for the Thirsty – Living Water

All right, thanks everyone for coming on! Be sure to check out these blogs, like if you like, and maybe even give them a follow if you LOVE!! See ya next time, and STAY AWESOME!!!


What would this post be without an ad for this blog? 🤣 Yah’s Girl has been around for almost a year, and I post fairly regularly on a wide variety of topics!! Join the crew by following to get some fantastic updates!

Roman contributions and Saint Augustine

Rome was a significant empire in the history of western civilization, not only for its military power and the fact that it controlled unbelievably extensive borders, but also for its culture and government, much of which we see in the modern west today.

The language is our key inheritance from the Romans. The Latin languages gave birth to the romance languages, which include oft-spoken languages like French, Italian, and Spanish. Even English has a great percentage of its roots in Latin.

The architecture was largely copied off the Greeks, yet with a singular twist. We see examples of their Gothic architectural style in many American state buildings like the White House and the Senate. Their true achievements in architecture were their amazing roads, bridges, aqueducts, and dams.

The fame of ancient literature undoubtedly belongs to the Greeks, but the writers of ancient Rome, including Ovid, Horus, and Seneca, are still remembered and honored for their writings. Cicero was a brilliant Roman rhetorician and philosopher who shone like a star among the mostly military-minded Romans.

The greatest contributions the Romans gave us was their government system and the concept they had of natural law – an absolute standard of justice that is true forever. I believe, however, that the Romans missed something – the only absolute standard of everlastingly true law, is the law of God.

Augustine of Hippo began his youth in rash decisions with the wrong crowd, although his mother did not approve. He later turned eagerly to the religion of Manicheanism, but abandoned it when even the experts could not answer his questions. Dissatisfied, he eventually became a Christian. I believe this is because Augustine realized that truth and coherent answers are only to be found in the Word of the One True God.

After his conversion, he went on to become one of the most prolific writers in the history of apologetics. His most well-known work is “The Confessions”, a book proclaiming the glory of God and his goodness to sinners.) He wrestled with the deep questions of life and came up with Christian answers to counteract the conclusions of other religious groups. He is famously quoted for disproving Skepticism with the simple statement, “I doubt, therefore I am.”

~ Makayla

Thanks for reading, y’all! Stay awesome!

Business – the Spreeder app

I have great respect for Mr. North’s advice. He has made many suggestions for a more productive life that I have been only too happy to take advantage of, since I can see that they actually work in real life. But sometimes, even when I know the advice is sound, I just don’t take action, perhaps for a variety of reasons. This assignment has got me thinking about the root reason I have repeatedly brushed aside his admonishments to use Spreeder, an app designed to increase your reading speed for maximum efficiency and knowledge.

I have always been a fast reader, faster than anyone I know. The other day I took a test and was ranked between 440 and 560 wpm. I originally supposed that I don’t need any improvement in this area, since I already read faster than the majority.

But what if I could double my CURRENT reading speed?

AWESOME, right?

Mr. North doesn’t need to do any more convincing. The Spreeder app costs $67, and in my opinion, this will be a decision that will save me time and money in the long run, as well as increase my knowledge.

Is it worth it to me to trade $67 and 10 minutes a day to use Spreeder to increase my reading speed? Absolutely. I am planning on getting Spreeder in the near future. The cool thing about Spreeder is that it is possible to set up five different accounts! I like that because I have younger brothers who might also want to use the app and increase their reading speed!

Thanks for listening to the musings of a school girl!!

Hacking the Ron Paul Curriculum for Efficient Results!

Top tips for success in online video homeschooling, like the Ron Paul Curriculum. For those of you who don’t take the RPC, it’s an online video homeschooling curriculum that is cost-efficient (only $50 per course), covers Grades One through to college prep courses, and is liberty-minded and full of brilliant and effective principles and sound information. (This post is geared mostly toward those who are taking the Ron Paul curriculum, but anyone can benefit from the principles!)

In RPC, the whole system is dependent on your ability to stay disciplined. Depending upon your courses, it can be hard work, but with the proper skills, you can get it done better and more efficiently. So without further ado, here are my top 5 tips for success in the Ron Paul Curriculum.

1. Dress for success.

Changing out of your PJs and into your jeans makes you feel more like you’re actually working. You look more professional, you feel more professional … what could be better for your writing skills?

2. Multitask … in moderation.

Most multitasking, like talking on the phone while baking a complicated recipe, can end in disaster! But if you’re taking the Ron Paul curriculum, there are some smart ways to take advantage of the time normally spent staring at the video screen.

Personally, my concentration levels increase when I fold laundry while listening to history videos. I don’t know why, but it does! I clean my room during business videos, but I have to concentrate really hard during literature videos. I normally take in-depth notes in preparation for assignments.

The idea is to combine something you use your ears for (like a video or podcast) with something you use your hands for, like using a quartz roller, folding laundry, combing your pet giraffe …

3. Take a break.

RPC is a completely on-computer curriculum. Sitting at a desk in front of the blue screen for a few hours isn’t only monotonous, it’s bad for your body to be stationary for so long . Take a break every 30 minutes or so to move around. Run around your house 5 times, practice your set or swish, offer to do *gulp* chores …

4. TIP: look ahead for the essay.

At the beginning of every week, I look ahead to see what the essay topic is going to be. I think about it or jot down notes throughout the week and by the end, I’m pretty sure I know what I’m going to say. This keeps you from needing to write a prime essay in one day, which I find a little hard to do.

5. Always, always, ALWAYS take notes!!!!

In Grade 10, after a few years on a break from the Ron Paul curriculum, I noticed that the essay work/topics got a lot heavier. At first, its motivating, but if you don’t keep up, your essay folder starts piling up on those ones that you *thought* you’d do later!!

By taking notes you remind yourself of your topics and assignments, and it gets easier to keep on top of the things you’re learning and retain new information.

To Conclude … You don’t need to follow this to the letter to have a more productive school day. But I found that utilizing the tips helps me stay organized and stress-free in high school, and I really love to work that way!
