Sharing The Amazing Things God Has Done In My Life!!

As of the moment of posting this, I have 69 drafts, some of them barely worthy of sitting down to write a full-length post about! But right now, it seems so much more important to share with you all some of the amazing things that God has been teaching me in my life!

Lesson #1 – Give Him the glory; it always works!

Recently I had all the end-of-year activities – piano and voice recitals, a piano exam, last lessons, and, of course, many performance opportunities in my faith community! Sometimes our focus is entirely on ourselves because we’re so worried about making a mistake or missing a line, and yet, I long to have my performances reflect God’s grace in my talents and not just my own strength. I noticed a cockiness in my first performance this year that hindered my ability to fully give God the glory for the performance, and I want to continue to seek His help.

You know what the best part about not focusing too much on ourselves? When we focus on making ourselves look good, we all know the precariousness of that position! What with the nerves and butterflies, its a 50/50 chance whether we’ll even look decent! BUT, when we seek to make known God’s name and fame, He always ends up looking good!

Lesson #2 – He is SO faithful.

I have been going through the process of applying to go to a certain (amazing) camp this year! I just love the community there and the way the people are so real and so on fire for their faith! Through a lot of dialogue and connection with staff, friends, and prayer support from my faith community, God has shown himself so faithful in orchestrating it all in the most wonderful way, better than I could ever have imagined! Through the decisions of others, and my at-times blindfolded commitment to my convictions, and in spite of incredible odds, I have been given this amazing opportunity to serve as a cabin leader this summer!

This process was not without its moments of doubt, stress, stretching, and uncertainty, but in the end, I would gladly do it all over again for the triumph and gratefulness of seeing God’s ability to give me a beautiful gift in what will be such a joy to me this summer!

I had to take certain really tough steps, pray some really tough prayers, and give up some really tough feelings, but God worked through everything. EVERYTHING.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28, ESV
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Lesson #3 – There is meaning in all parts of the Word of God.

Has anyone ever read the book of Obadiah? Its a short book, one chapter long, and directed towards the judgement of the Edomites. Not a very uplifting message – but yet, after reading it as part of my Bible reading, I still felt as though I had done something meaningful; like just picking up and reading the Bible, no matter how melancholy the message, has a purpose.

So many people and situations have recently convicted and reminded me of the importance of spending time in God’s Word. Especially the below verse from Amos, which really pierced my heart to think of just how desirable the Word of God is, and how much we as modern youth take it for granted.

““Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it.”

Amos 8:11-12, ESV

The next verse says that beautiful young women and strong young men will faint from thirst; the thirst for the Living Water of God’s Word. If only we always held the Word in such high regard that our time spent within its pages was such a treasure and a priority to us! Thank God that He is patient with us in our seasons of ability and that His faithfulness is far more steadfast than our own.

I challenge you all to delve into the freely given water of God’s word for your sustenance; to take advantage of the wonderful gift we’ve been given by having the Bible at only a flip of the page away, or a click of the mouse. How blessed we are to be given the privilege of feasting at His banquet on this earth!

I hope y’all found something to treasure in this post! I am so grateful for all God’s been doing and teaching me, and I want to hear about your lives – what is something that is so amazing you just have to share it? How Has God been working? Tell me all about in the comments, or shoot me an email through my contact page!

Have an amazing day, friends!

Seasons – Winter And Spring, Both Of Them Beautiful!

Can you all hardly believe its spring!? I AM SO EXCITED!!! And now that its May, its pretty much a given that the snowfalls are over and the flowers will be coming out soon. What a beautiful and joyful time of year!

I wanted to present some thoughts I had on winter and spring, that I’ve only begun thinking about this year. I hope y’all enjoy my musings!

(Note: none of the quotes or pictures are my own. All credit goes to the original creators. 🙂

I’d like to give y’all a second perspective on springtime, and have a discussion on what it means for us, literally and philosophically. By this, I mean to spark a question in your heads as to why we see spring as the hero to save us from the icy world of winter.

Because, the majority of people see winter as terrible. They see it as the worst part of the year. They don’t try to do better because they feel unmotivated, and they do even worse without motivation! All of a sudden, when the seasons change, people seem to wake up, stretch their sedentary mind-muscles, and commence to enthusiastically perform every task they absolutely refused to do in wintertime.

I’m sad to see people bashing winter (although I’m certainly not always it’s passionate defender!) I have lived just under half my life under the lock and key of winter’s grasp, and I have had such a beautiful life, made beautiful not only by the weather and the warmth, but because of the opportunities and people that God has put in my life.

Yes, spring gives me hope for a fresh start (and I will certainly be feeling more productive and ready to tackle my tasks!) But I have no excuse to keep from doing what I know I should do simply because I’m not in a “spring mood” yet. The way I feel isn’t a good excuse to be unproductive, and neither is a lingering winter. I am completely responsible for myself, and my actions do not hinge on the whether the weather outside is frightful or delightful. What’s inside me is what ought to drive me.

Winter is cold. Winter can be unfriendly. Winter is hard. But hard times makes us stronger.

Let’s not decry the winter and its winds. Let’s not dismiss our spiritual and motivational winters as “a stage” to escape as soon as possible. Let’s accept the inevitable as “seasons”; something to savor and enjoy, even if its hard; to learn from and do the best we can, even while we’re in it. I admit I dislike those hard times as much as the next person, but I’ve been finding strength in seeing my failings as seasons of growth. Someday, the spring will arrive in the midst of the winter of my soul.

I want to draw this all to a close with a recapitulation of the main things I really wanted to say.

  1. You do it. Not the weather having a miraculous effect on you, or the temperature rising by degrees – its you. Don’t let your motivation die with the grass. Your motivation needs to come from inside you. “What do I really want out of life?” “Why do I do ____?” “What’s the most important thing I could do today?” Ask yourself questions to stimulate the conversation in your head, and find out where your motivation is really coming from.
  2. The enemy is not winter; its the way we perceive winter. I love the allegory of a wintry, hard season of life making us stronger in spite of its bite. Please don’t feel lost or disillusioned in the winter. Live in the winter of your life. Enjoy the life you’ve been given. Take time to enjoy and savor slowly, even the hard things. Don’t be afraid. If the season you’re in is currently winter, don’t worry; the spring will come. Even if you’re in despair, wondering why in the world you keep making so many mistakes or why so many disappointments and hurts are coming your way, I pray that you would find hope in knowing that it is not forever. There is a reason for every season, and I truly believe peace can be found in seeking God.

Bloom, my friends! Have you ever seen crocuses poking up through the snow? I once saw those beautiful purple flowers in person. They bloom early, unafraid of the lingering chill in the air. Don’t wait til the winter is over to bloom with what drives you inside. And please enjoy the gifts God has given you even if you have a little snow and ice on the way!

What are your thoughts? Do you agree? Have you thought about these ideas before? What’s your favorite quote pic? Isn’t winter just as meaningful as spring? Comment below #fellowseasonlover if you agree! 😉

Have a lovely day, everyone! Thank God for the winter we had, then get out and enjoy that spring! 🤗🤣

What Are You Taking In? (Part Two: Role Models)

Hello all! Welcome back to the “What Are You Taking In?” series! Today, we’re covering role models, and their affect on our lives. (To see the previous post in the series, see What Are You Taking In? (Part One: Music))

The other day, I randomly decided to write down the women in my life that I see as role models. I wrote the first two on my mind; the first one has consistently inspired me on a daily basis, because she’s literally Superwoman and can do ANYTHING! The second woman had just recently inspired me, and I realized that although she never flaunts her abilities or skills, she has always been one of the most godly and capable women I know. So, I wrote down these two women.

But almost before I realized it, I was writing down the names of every other woman in my mom’s regular hangout group, shocked to realize that ALL these beautiful women have amazing qualities, godly characters, and are models of how I’d like to grow up and become!

Photo by Kampus Production on

And the reason that I was so shocked, was because I have taken these women for granted. But I have been so SO blessed to have these women in my life – I can hardly believe that they are in MY little world, going about THEIR business in the LORD’S way, shining THEIR example onto my life and demonstrating what its like to be a woman of God …

I am so completely overwhelmed by the blessing of the example of these women, and their generous, encouraging relationship with me.

Who is a role model?

“[A role model is …] a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others.”

– Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, (definition of role model).

Its fascinating to see how a person’s character stems from their influences of others. When someone admires another person and spends time thinking about or interacting with that person, often they will come to imitate this “model”, by taking on their personality traits, opinions, or ways of thinking.

Role models can be highly motivating. Seeing the success or accomplishments of someone else helps us to think “I can do that too!” These days, its easier than ever to know about the successful people whose career paths and life decisions we’d like to model. However, sometimes the financially successful could be morally or spiritually corrupt, and I’m afraid that my experience with other teens is what has inspired this particular post …

For an example from my own life … I have a love for the people of God. I love getting together with them for some good worship and bible study sessions. And within that group of people are several who are so inspiring in the way they’ve decided to live for God, and set apart their lives for His purposes. Sometimes, I catch myself imitating the personality traits of the people I respect: not because I’m trying to laugh like he does or speak like she does, but because I’ve spent time and thought on their example.

Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Unfortunately, it seems that not every role model is a good one. (Shocker, right?)

What makes someone a “good” role model?

  • Their areas of specialty align with the same basic points of your personal convictions.
  • They speak with care, wisdom, knowledge, and confidence.
  • They act in a way that lines up with what they say.

Many singers and businesspeople and politicians and authors, all those with a huge influence on the world, are not only spreading their financial or business-related assistance to the world, but are also affecting the personal thoughts and convictions of young people (and old people too, for that matter!) that they’ve never even met.

I don’t think the average teen even realizes this. They’re certainly not thinking, when they get interested in, say, listening to secular pop, “Well, after about a year of listening to this music, keeping up the news about the best singers, and imitating their fashion and personality, I’ll be almost ready to take on their spiritual beliefs as well.” No: imitation, although it may be the sincerest form of flattery, doesn’t happen overnight, and it sneaks up on you.

Now, its not necessarily the presence of something secular in your life, that can cause you to become weak in your faith; in my opinion, it will tend to happen when there is an absence of the elements that grow your faith. Let me give an example …

Without water, a (normal) tree will shrivel and die. You can throw confetti, wind, and minor hail at the tree, but as long as its getting its water and sunshine and soil nutrients, it will do just fine. However, if that’s taken away, its easier for the tree to succumb to the pressure of all the other elements, the affect of which has grown immensely since the nourishment is gone. It shows just how important that spiritual nourishment really is.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

So, just as the effects of listening to music which does not align with your personal beliefs, (as mentioned in the previous post in this series), so can you be affected by learning about, “interacting” with, and unconsciously being influenced by people whose lives evidence no knowledge of or desire for the truth. This is so dangerous, because something we don’t often realize, is that we change very easily, based on where we are and who we allow to influence us. If we’re strong enough to stand up to peer pressure, we may escape the secular school environment unscathed, but its hard to be different. If we’re independent enough, we won’t need to strive to be friends with those who will slowly break down our convictions, but its hard to be alone.

Its also hard to be “sheltered” and seen as “the naïve one” … but I can tell you, it sure beats knowing what the other girls giggle and whisper about on their cell phones!

We need to really dig deep down and think “Is this role model a godly example?”

We need to really stop and consider, “Are my actions reflecting secular morals?”

We need to really study the Word so we know the answer when we ask, “Is my faith getting weaker as a result of this influence, or is it being encouraged and nourished?”

We don’t have to be influenced by people we wouldn’t want to become.

I think its so important not only to look for and recognize role models in the popular media, but also the ones that we’re so close to that we almost miss; the believers at Bible study, the friends at school or sports, the pen-pal-ers and emailers that genuinely care about us, our siblings and parents and grandparents; these people have character and have learned so much in their own life. We have a lot to learn from people like them, and we don’t have to look to the magazines to find an inspiring figure to emulate.

So, in closing, I want to mention these woman who have inspired me so much. Thank you, to all of you who I consider role models for treating me like one of your own friends, encouraging and loving me, and for spreading your virtuous example to me and other young ladies. I love you all so much and am so blessed to have you in my life.

P.S. Thank you all for reading, and tell me; who do you think young people revere, that we ought not to revere? Which kind of people are your role models, and which people can no longer be? Let me know your thoughts!

What Is An Inspiration Board …. Truly?

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing amazingly! Let me know what’s new with you all, down in the comments! 🤗

Before we get into this post, I just want to give a shoutout to my friend Rachel, at Joyful Creations! She just began an awesome podcast and has several episodes up already! I highly recommend Rachel’s podcast; she’s well-spoken and insightful, and passionate to share about her faith and the way she lives out her faith. I’m excited to see her future episodes! (Find Rachel’s launch post on her blog here!)

Now, let’s proceed with the post! 🤗

Earlier in 2021, I found myself on a quest to design the perfect inspiration board. I did a bit of research, scattered craft paper and magazine clippings across my bedroom floor, and proceeded to make the most cluttered, mishmash poster conceivable! It was so much fun, but I soon decided to go for something a little simpler!

Why are we so attracted to the “Vision Board” or “Inspiration Board” idea? We like to think that we can be inspired to do great things, just by looking at a picture. Its quick. Its easy. And, for aesthetic purposes, we like to think that it can be beautiful too. These are the assumptions, for those looking on Pinterest or at other’s vision board projects; that we too, can be productive with our vision board.

But how many times does this strategy fail? I would suggest that it fails more often than it succeeds. With the pretty pictures, pretty handwriting, cute little list of goals, and other little notes on the infamous wall-mounted rectangle, we can slowly become used to and disillusioned with what used to be our favorite project.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

How can we create an inspiring vision board with quotes, goals, and beauty? The answer is, most of the time, we can’t.

We could, if quotes, goals, and beauty were the essence of our lives. But they’re not.

Our lives are not always raindrops and bokeh and waterfalls. We’re not always smiling, hair perfectly pinned up, fashionable scarf positioned just right. We don’t always feel like writing assignments, working out, or cooking supper. And forget about always being inspired to do chores!

We get uninspired. We get sad. We get disappointed when we don’t see progress, and consider giving up on our goals. We get tired. We fall down. And sometimes, it feels like too much work to get back up again.

Photo by Pixabay on

That’s why our inspiration boards have to be more powerful than our own desires. That’s why we can’t rely solely on our inspiration boards to give us inspiration when we don’t feel like pushing the pedal to the floor.

Our inspiration has to be so powerful that it makes us do what we don’t want to, when we don’t want to, knowing that its for the best. Knowing that afterward, we will feel energized and motivated and pushed to accomplish what we predetermined to do, because it is good.

So, for the believer in inspiration, how can we craft a meaningful, truly inspiring vision board? (Which also fulfills the “beautiful” criteria?) It has a lot to do with how we see the vision board.

If we see the vision board as a crutch to help us up when we fall down, it isn’t going to be a very dependable crutch! But if, when we look at it, seeking motivation, if we remember what it signifies, perhaps we will do better.

An inspiration board signifies hope, hard work, and happiness. It signifies power, perseverance, and perfection. It signifies faith, fitness, and firm foundations. And while we may never fully embody some of these traits, they certainly form a worthy goal, and at the very root of it all lies one truth;

“An inspiration board does not inspire you to be something you’re not. It reminds you to stay true to who you are.”

Photo by Diana Smykova on

So who are you? Who do you want to be?

Are you a hard worker? Are you a committed believer? Do you call yourself a child of God?

Then stay true to that. Stay true to what matters.

And then, when you fall, you will be more motivated than a simple glance at a pretty collage could accomplish. You will recognize that regardless of your feelings in the present moment, you must stay true to who you are and what you love, and the God who gave you strength to fight for the Truth.

(I hope you all enjoyed this post and found some gems to take home! Let me know what you think! Also, stay tuned for the next post; How To Craft And Design A Vision Board!)

What Are You Taking In? (Part One: Music)

Today, music is a HUGE part of our culture, especially for teens and young people, whose opinions and styles are shaped by our perception of the world around us. We listen to music all the time; in the car, while studying and writing, while doing chores, in the checkout line, while working out, in worship services, and simply because we want to. Some of the most famous celebrities, the most publicly beautiful, efficient, successful, and adored people in the world, are singers, songwriters, musicians. We are bombarded with music all the time – if not listening to it, reading about it; if not reading about it, talking about it; if not talking about it, thinking about it; and no matter what people say, no matter how much your Christian friends will tell you “well, it’s just because it has a cool tune!” … we ARE taking in the messages behind the music.

It’s a war on our ears, a war for our hearts, and a war for our minds. So many don’t realize that the music they listen to is tearing down their morals. The secular music that is most popular today is popular for a reason; that secular people like listening to it. It represents secular morals. Why should it have any place in a believer’s life?

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on

As a singer, I sympathize with those who sing all sorts of songs to improve their voice. I plan on taking voice lessons someday, and may be advised to sing certain songs written with a secular outlook. And I am not saying that every secular, not-specifically-christian song is off-limits.

But why must my so-called “Christian” teenage contemporaries sing music with seductive, hate-filled, or irresponsible lyrics? When their only defence is “Well, the tune is cool”, you can clearly see; teenagers of today have traded their respect of morality and purity, in exchange for the pleasure of the ears.

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”

1 John 2:15-17, NKJV

John’s wisdom is strikingly applicable.

Teens think, “I can give up music whenever I want.” I agree. But I want to ask them, “When will you give it up? When will you ‘want’ to purify your tastes?”

What did John say just before this exhortation?

“I write to you, little children,

Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.

13 I write to you, fathers,

Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.

I write to you, young men,

Because you have overcome the wicked one.

I write to you, little children,

Because you have known the Father.

14 I have written to you, fathers,

Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.

I have written to you, young men,

Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,

And you have overcome the wicked one.

1 John 2: 12-14

As young men and women who seek to become like little children, my readers, we know that our sins are forgiven, we can know the Father, and we can overcome the wicked one. We are strong in the Word when we stay in the Word, both the written Word and the Word made flesh.

So why do we grow comfortable in sitting on the couch of Complacency beside the Wicked One, playing the Stereo of Fleshly Lusts, and shutting our ears to the Word of God?

Because we have not been challenged, and we have not challenged ourselves, to seek anything else but complacency, compliance, and conformity to the world.

Photo by Krivec Ales on

We, you, me, as believers, cannot profess faith and the desire to grow nearer to the Father when we daily absorb ourselves in messages and words that directly contradict the lessons He longs to teach us. It’s nearly impossible for Him to teach us those vital life lessons, because we’re drowning Him out with earthly clatter.

But did I mention that the impossible is God’s favorite situation for salvation? He can use others to reach through the noise drowning Him out and tug you into a quieter part of the room. Those who listen to the whispers of the Spirit can leave the Impurity Party to get conscious about their lives.

So please don’t leave this post thinking, “Well, I should make sure that the music I listen to is godly and uplifting.” I want to challenge you all to search your hearts and deep-clean your lives, not just your musical palate. Living a godly life is so much more than the face value influences we have – its also important in habits, education, and so much else! It’s so much more than just music; but big life changes begin with little life changes, and dealing with the little weeds first is easier than trying to pull out the massive hulking plants.

And please don’t leave this post dismayed that by embracing God-honoring lyrics and artists you’ll end up deprived of talent and variety. Music within the Christ-like culture is very diverse, and it is wonderful in its diversity! There are all kinds of music with positive and uplifting messages, and some that can even aid our spiritual growth. Music is beautiful and powerful – but let’s seek to take in good, and not evil; purity instead of conformity to the world.

Please Note: This post is not targeted. I began writing it with an acquaintance in mind, but not any of you here on the WordPress community, promise! 🤗

I Have Finished! And Yet, I’ve Only Just Begun …

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

I thought it would take me forever, but I have finished.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

9 months have passed, and hours and hours, but finally, I have finished.

“And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

Thanks be to God for His Word, the water of life!

“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”

I began reading the Bible in fuzzy story-book form in my toddler years, but last summer I began to read the Bible all the way through, from beginning to end. My parents encouraged me to, and my brother and friends inspired me along the way, and just today I read the last words of the book of Revelations and thought about how far I’ve come.

  • I’ve surrendered my future, my desires, my life.
  • I’ve grown to love reading and studying the Bible.
  • I’ve come to understand my own faith, on so many different levels.
  • I’ve been able to share my faith, as a result of increased confidence.
  • I’ve grown in character, which has always been my heartfelt desire.

As I traveled through the beginning of the Bible, I relished learning all the back story, the history, the “frame” for my faith. The Old Testament is considered boring by some people, but for me its rich and meaningful, always giving shadowy glimpses of the future in Christ. When I reached the four gospels, I was beyond excited to read about Jesus and see all the amazing parallels I had read about in the beginning of the Bible.

It all fits together, like a puzzle, and I have finished the puzzle for the first time. You know how you sit there in awe, after finishing a 5’000 piece puzzle, wondering at the hugeness and the complexity of it? You know that puzzle like the back of your hand. You’ve studied every piece. But all together, its beautiful.

It’s breathtaking.

But as soon as you finish it, it’s time to take it apart. But then after taking it apart, why not build it again? And again? Now that I’ve finished the Bible, I know I HAVE to read it again. And again. And again. To keep on building that 5’000 piece puzzle, until the edges are scuffed and the colors have faded. But the puzzle will still fit together.

It’s perfect.

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart. 

Hebrews 4:12

The sword of the Word of God has pierced my soul. Nothing can pull it out. Nothing will ever release the hold it has on my heart. It’s changed me and my preconceived indoctrination of what I thought life was, and I know that it will continue to change me.

Can I say something?

I want you to study the Word with all your heart. I want you to begin at the beginning. I want you to discover truth. I want this for you.

But it will be hard.

And YOU have to want it. YOU have to make the choice.

So I’ll just tell you that if you decide to read the Bible, it will change you. Because the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a sword, convicting you.

Maybe you don’t want to change.

But what if that change gives you more happiness, fulfillment, and real life than you’ve ever experienced?

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”

Womanhood (Part One)

(Hey everyone! Here’s a post I originally published on my other blog, Wake up, Girls!. (View the original post here.) I wanted to post it here for my “Yah’s Girl” followers too, so I hope you enjoy!)

As a young teenager, I struggled with the concept of womanhood. When our Bible study group decided to study this topic, I was excited because I wanted to learn more about what I was supposed to become, how I was supposed to act, as a woman in Christ.

But after the meetings, I was so confused because of all the information coming from the people in the group. The verses we talked about were on submission, teaching, head coverings. Yes, I know it’s a sensitive topic and it’s good to know where you stand, but I think it was a lot for me to take in, as an inexperienced and a tiny-bit-immature-15-year-old.

What made it harder was that most of the people presenting their ideas were … the men. I didn’t see any women saying things about how they’d learned to take their identity from the Bible. I didn’t see any women sharing their wisdom with the others.

If you know me, you can see that this topic would be hard for me.

I love debate and freedom. I love the idea of living alone and being independent. I want to do dangerous and risky things, like walking fenceposts, kayaking down crazy rivers, and going on backpacking trips. I’ve even wanted to be a secret agent at one point!

I’ve had the image of the strong, independent woman in my head for my whole life. I wanted to be that kind of person.

But I wanted it for MYSELF. Not for the glory of God. For the glory, courage, and fame of MYSELF.

See? When you start with the heart of the matter you see what’s wrong. The defenses fall away. And you can see the truth.

See, what I realized was that men and women have different purposes. The purpose of the godly man is to be responsible for his family, wife, and children. To protect them. To love them. To lead them where God leads him. He can’t do that if his wife or daughter is constantly second-guessing his decisions or pulling at his hand to move him elsewhere.

And the purpose of women? I’ve learned that it is multifold – but I think the root of it all is to help. To help their parents, instead of tearing them down and making trouble. To comfort and encourage their friends with their troubles. Cook when Mom’s sick. Do the chores when Dad’s away. Babysit for a couple on a date. To help their husbands lead them in a godly way.

Instead of thinking of the men’s responsibility as an encumberment to our independence, why don’t we think of it as a blessing from God? Instead of thinking of our purpose to be helpmeets as a burden, why don’t we rejoice that we have the power to change and to move people? We woman can help people be the best they can be! We can encourage the men in our life instead of scoffing at their leadership!

Something that was really important for me to learn was this: That my Dad has my best interests at heart. In fact, at one point I didn’t believe this. I thought he was out to wreck my fun – maybe he wouldn’t ever let me move out. Maybe he’d never let me date the guy I liked. Maybe he’d never let me leave the province without him or Mom. I thought, “This sucks. Why does he have to be in charge of me for my entire life? Can I never make my own decisions?”

But stop a minute, old Makayla. I know my Dad. He loves God. He loves me. He wouldn’t want to hurt me. He wouldn’t do anything he didn’t truly believe in. He’s not out to wreck my fun. He’s out to protect me – to fulfill his God-given responsibility to take care of me, his baby girl.

When you think about it THAT way … it takes away all the skepticism and all I feel is gratefulness and love.


So now we know what it DOESN’T mean to be a Godly Woman … what DOES it mean?

There are SO many facets to what it means to be a godly woman that I can’t fit all the concepts in this post! This will be part one of a series on Biblical Womanhood, and I’ll be incorporating the stories of Biblical women in the posts, to illustrate the qualities we can show in our lives today. I hope you’ll follow my blog or continue checking it out so we can journey through this womanhood series together!

“Yahweh, I pray that you would work through this series. Help all the women and teenage girls to know what your special purpose is for them, and to accept the purposes which you have given to men. Thank you for your principles of Biblical manhood and womanhood that we can follow. They are beautiful and desirable, not a burden or an encumberment. Help me as well, to know what to write, and continue to fill us with your words through Your Word. Please renew us all. In the name of your son Yeshua, Amen.”

I hope you all have an amazing day!


(By the way, the Womanhood series will be continued on the other blog, Wake up, Girls! Head over and click the follow button to receive notifications for future posts!)

Let’s Talk About Brothers And Respect …

Yep, I’m another one of those girls with a heap of brothers! Today, I want to talk about respect .. respecting our siblings, and helping them to learn to respect us. My brothers are fun-loving, mischievous, loud scamps who drive me crazy, but they love me and show their love by respecting my personal space and my opinions. I have a brother who is very close to me in age, and he is one of my best friends! As a teen, he has begun to mature in ways that amaze me. Not only does he respect me, he has also protected my heart, protected my body, and kept my secrets. Not every girl is so blessed as I am.

Thoughtless comments, rough physical touch, ridiculing, teasing, bugging on purpose … how does any sibling, and child of God, deserve to be treated this way? Some brothers treat their sisters with carelessness, not with care. These brothers might not bad guys – they just have a bad habit of treating their sister with less respect than she deserves, not only as their sister, but as a woman, as a daughter of God.

This makes me wonder … why do brothers fail to respect their sisters? I understand occasional kind-hearted teasing, (goodness knows, my brothers have dished out their fair share often enough!), but what about when it becomes an epidemic of unkind words and actions? What drives young men to treat their sisters this way?

I’ve learned that for some boys, they don’t feel like their sister deserves respect. They feel that she is a baby, or that she’s mean to them, so why should they be nice to her? They might have bad examples in their parents, who treat their daughter with less care than they should. Or, they might feel that they don’t measure up to their sister, and the only way to deal with their bitterness is to act out of it, rather than releasing it. Whatever the reason, our brothers need to understand that respect is not necessarily deserved (because of course we will fail and disrespect them sometimes) but respect is something that you give freely, like love.

We love because Christ first loved us – so why don’t we respect our siblings the way Christ treats His brothers and sisters in the faith?

Another thing that we girls need to realize is that, although we may crave our brother’s respect and kindness, we may be making it difficult for them by treating THEM unkindly. In the same way that girls can show kindness to our guyfriends by dressing in a way that does not provoke them to immoral thoughts, so we should act in a way that makes it easier for our brothers to love us back.

  • We need to respect THEM first. Although there is no excuse for our brothers to disrespect us simply because we disrespect them, we cannot expect a major life change to occur in their hearts unless WE change first. Maybe your brother will change on his own, but as an older sister, I can tell you that our brothers will, to a certain degree, mirror our actions. Respecting them is a great way to show them the kind of respect we want.
  • Our brothers are the men of tomorrow. If these young men don’t learn to respect us as their family and the people they live with, then what kind of respect will they have for their wives, sister-in-laws, and even their own daughters? I’m not saying that their fate rests on your (and my) shoulders alone, but I am saying that we can be the change in their lives. Encouraging them to respect us in their words and actions will prepare them for the day they realize that their wife wants to be respected too.
  • Even though it hurts to be disrespected, you must know that you’re not in this alone. Your parents are the ultimate enforcers in your house. If the situation has come to a place where the line has been crossed between simple teasing and ridiculing, then don’t be afraid to ask your parents for their advice, or ask your dad to talk to your brother. Communicate clearly with them that you love your brother, that his disrespect makes it difficult to respect him back, and that his attitude hurts you. Not every brother is man enough to take it humbly, and to actually change the way he relates to you, but some WILL own that responsibility.
  • Don’t forget to PRAY. If you’re a sister waiting for your brother’s heart to change towards you, don’t wait without doing anything. Pray that God would touch his heart and his responses towards you. God can do anything, even fix your relationship with your brother, so don’t be afraid to bend the knee every once in a while to seek his help in mending the fences.

And to those of you guys who are reading? Please, please, examine your heart, thoughts, and actions. Are you respecting your sister? Or are you putting her down? She doesn’t need to DESERVE your respect. But if you truly believe that all of us matter to God, then you need to treat your sister like you love her with GOD’S love. And who knows? Maybe she will blossom under your affirmation. And maybe not. But no matter what happens, are you man enough to respect your sister like you will have to respect your wife someday?

And while you’re at it, love them. Help them. Protect them. Serve them. Know that your actions are being seen, not only by those who will come into your future someday, but also by the One Who holds your future in His hands.

Well, sisters, you should know that my heart hurts for those of you who have been hurt by a brother’s disrespect. When my brothers disrespect me, I feel abandoned and rejected, because I want a loving relationship. So I understand what you feel like. Please don’t be afraid to take steps to love and respect them, even if they continue to hurt you. In the end, we are to love our enemies. You’re brother might not be your enemy, but the principle remains; to love all, even those who don’t love you back.

And if you have friends who get disrespected by their brothers … let’s protect them, shall we? Let’s stand up for them. Because, even if nothing changes in their lives, we have a responsibility to love the unloved and respect the unrespected. And once we do that, one thing will for sure happen – you will be a voice of hope and change in your friend’s life.

A Woman Of Resolutions …

Hey everyone! Today I’ve got something short and thoughtprovoking for ya.

As I read through a friend’s post, (a Life Update with Recent Reads from Laurel Jean, at, my eyes stopped at a quote she had included from “The Resolution for Women”, a book by Priscilla Shirer.

“Right now – whether you realize it or not – you’re choosing to treat people a certain way, to stay committed to certain activities, to live a certain life, to be a certain kind of person. You’re already a woman of resolutions.

Immediately after I read this, I was hit with the realization that my resolutions are not as pure as I’d like them to be – not as selfless, not as godly, not as honorable as I’d like to see myself.

And I also realized that I AM a woman of resolutions. I’ve made my own opinions, formed habits, made friends, publicized ideas, and now I have to live with every one of those choices, those resolutions. But I know that where I am now is no where near where I desperately want to be … in a place of trust, success, and security.

And all of you out there reading … YOU are men and women of resolutions. You live with a mindset that has been formed throughout your whole life, and you live with habits and actions that are a result of what you value most. You might not be setting a goal to succeed, but you unconscionably develop aspirations. Aspirations that you may achieve in glory and fame – or which may simply always be a pile of dreams in the back of your mind, collecting dust.

So I challenge YOU – Make a conscious Resolution. Think hard about yourself. Are you who you want to be? Or have you given way to pressure, procrastination, or the world?

Then make a Resolution to CHANGE. To become the young man or woman that God wants you to be. Seek to align your resolutions and your character to Yah’s character.

Goals and Habits … Is it God’s Will?

Over the month of December and early January, I’d been making personal goals and accomplishing them, and here’s what I’ve learned; It feels really good. It feels good to do things, and do them well. It’s empowering to feel strong, smart, talented, and organized. And for someone who’s love language is ‘words of affirmation’, having people affirm my efforts and tell me I’m wonderful makes my heart burst with joy!

However … is it really me?

Are my brains, my strength, my talents … are they really mine? Can I crush whatever goal I have simply because I’m determined and motivated? Does health mean everything? Is my body mine, to use however I want?

And I had to concede … the answer is no.

No, my brains and strength and talent is not mine – it’s YHVH’s, that He gave to me to use for His glory. No, my own determination and motivation only goes so far – it’s YHVH who breathes life and energy into me to enable me to work hard in life. And I can’t get anywhere on my own strength – It’s YHVH I need to lean on, trust in, to help me in distress and hard times.

However, even though we know that we should take this step, how do we do it? How can we smack back our bad habits of trusting in ourselves, of making goals that take YHVH out of the picture? Habits are hard to break – especially bad ones.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But because my target is youth audiences, I’ll give you some things to think about …

  • Are your goals focused on an end goal of being God-oriented, others-oriented, or self-oriented?
  • Are you involving your parents, other family, and close friends in your dreams, goals, friendships, and the desires of your heart?
  • Are you praying over all your struggles? (Emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, relational?)
  • Are you working so hard at your goals that you don’t have time to do things you’re passionate about, or things that help others?
  • Are you giving God the glory, if only just in the quiet of your own prayer time?

A habit isn’t broken by mental assent. You’ve got to discover something that resonates in your soul – something that means something to you. For me, my “soul resonating” comes when I’m trying to act in trust in YHVH’s Will for my life. I’m coming to the realization that YHVH’s plan is the only plan I want. Any other plan will fail to satisfy.

So please don’t expect a lifestyle switch to be easy. It isn’t.

But please DO expect it to mold you, and change you. Of course, if you’re afraid of change (like I am) this will be even harder for you.

But are you willing to change? To line up your goals with God’s Will for your life? To break the habits that detract from God’s Will? To trust God to give you the strength for the things He wants you to accomplish?

There’s only One Way to find out.

I’d also like to add something that a friend told me …. Grace, over at Vibrant for Jesus. She said that we should always remember the MAIN goal, which is glorifying God. That made me think of this verse …

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Phillippians 3:14, NKJV

Paul had #goals too! His goal was the prize of Christ’s calling. What an amazing goal.